Wednesday January 31, 2024 | 7pm
Lightbox Film Center
401 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia PA 19147.
Relâche has long taken a deep interest in early and experimental cinema, with feature-length films by great masters Buster Keaton and Alfred Hitchcock becoming part of their core repertoire. In this program, we’ll perform original scores accompanying three of our very favorite short films: Maya Deren’s 1944 ravishing exploration of self-identity, At Land (score by our own Chuck Holdeman); Max Linder’s raucous 1913 beach comedy Max Takes a Picture (Chuck again); and Léonce Perret’s 1912 psychodrama The Mystery of the Rocks of Kador, with original score by the eminent French composer and violinist Régis Huby.
These three films encapsulate everything we’ve worked toward since 1977: Artists working with familiar forms who have been unafraid to push the edges outward, vital composers who share our “downtown” ethos, and the energy that comes from the synthesis of great cinema and our own particular brand of new music.